Monday, January 26, 2009

I crossed the finish line!

Yes...I have officially crossed the finish line and got to ring the bell today! I told Greg after round #5 that I couldn't do it anymore. But with the support of all of you- friends and family- I made it! Thank you for all of the prayers- I couldn't have made it without God being on my side.

I met with Dr. Go today, and we talked for about an hour or so. I had many questions and he is so very thorough. We talked about what's next...7 weeks of radiation/ 5 days a week. (after 2-3 weeks of recovery from the chemo) The radiation should not be so bad- side effects like tiredness and a "sunburn" effect on the radiated sites. Dr. Wilcox will oversee the radiation, but Dr. Go still sees me throughout. We talked about tumor markers- which I really didn't know much about. That is done through a blood test and it measures a protein on the surface of cancer and non-cancer cells. He has been testing this all along, but I wasn't aware of it. All of my tumor markers are in the normal range as of now. If he sees them increasing steadily, then he will immediately scan me again. He is going to scan me again, but it will be after radiation some time. I will also be starting the medication Tamoxifen soon, which is a hormone receptor blocker. A big kudos goes out to my chemo nurse, Cassie! She was awesome- and got the IV in the first time today! I will miss seeing her every few weeks, but certainly will not miss the chemo room! I also have to thank my dear friend Julie for holding my hand through all of this! Take a look at the pictures below- she made me a finish line and was there to cheer me on when I rang the bell. So as I close this chapter in Lori"s breast cancer journey, I never want to talk about getting chemo again. I seriously start feeling "queasy" when I think about getting chemo or seeing things that remind me of it. It's so weird how our minds can cause a physical reaction to a thought- such as a popsicle! I hope to never again lay eyes on those triangular popsicles. When you take the chemo drug called Adriamyacin, you have to freeze your mouth to construct the blood vessels. So in order to not get these terrible mouth sores, I had to chomp away at a nasty popsicle! Anyways, it's over and I vow to never have to return to chemotherapy again! Thanks for the huge support...and please pray for Greg as he does the Mr. Mom thing this week and a prayer for a "not-so-bad" week for me. XOXOXO Lori


Debby :) said...

Yay! Congrats! Sorry I had no idea!

Anonymous said...

Proud of you Lori. Thank you for sharing your journey with all of us. You are truly an inspiration.

With much thoughts and prayers,
Jennifer Foster Smith

Anonymous said...

Oh, Lori! I'm so proud of you and so happy FOR you! I'm still praying so hard for you! Love you.

Howard Family said...

Yeah, you made it! You have been amazing through all this. You are my hero!!


Howard Family said...

Yeah, you made it! You have been amazing through all this. You are my hero!!


Julie said...

Consider yourself "Super Woman" for accomplishing something so BIG! You go girl!
Love, Julie

Anonymous said...

We are so excited for you!! We have been keeping up with everything through your blog. You are still in our thoughts and prayers daily. Congrats!!!!
Christy and Wes

Anonymous said...

Lori you did it!! It's been wonderful to witness your strength and faith through it all...
High Five!!!
Love and prayers always,

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Lori! You are truely an amazing person and such an inspiration!! I am so happy for you & so proud of you! Will be keeping you all in our prayers!!
Ronda Ambrose

Kelly said...

You are amazing and you did it!

Anonymous said...

Lori, I am so proud to see you ring th ebell..we went down that road with mom several times and she rang that bell more than once..she lived a full and awesome life and you are going to do the same!!!!! I am praying for you and your strength..thanks for making me look back and remember that time with mom, albeit hard, it is what mad eher the strongest woman I ever knew... now I think you are!!!!Take care, and I hope to see you next week!!!!

Cassie said...

Lori, You are completely my hero. I am so amazed and encouraged by your determination and strength. You are amazing! I look forward to seeing you on Sunday!!

The other Cassie

Krista said...

Hi Lori - So glad we finally hooked up on email. I just logged into this blog thing. yours will be the first I've ever read. Can you believe that! Anyway - CONGRATS on #5. I'm home with a sick child today so I hope to read all your blog. I do want to talk to you before radiation. I have some tips! Way to GO - The rest will be a piece of cake!

Anonymous said...

You Go Girl! I am so happy for you, and I hope that you are feeling okay this week. Just think if you can make it through that, you can do anything. We are praying for you and your family. LOL.

April T. Nichols

Anonymous said...

Yeah!!!!You did it! So happy for you crossing the finish line!

Anonymous said...

I was so happy to see your picture crossing the finish line. Keep up the great attitude.


Melody said...

To say that I am PROUD of you woul dbe an understatement! You are an amazing person and God has great things planned for you in the future. Thank you for sharing your journey. I can only imagine how many people you are inspired with each of your posting.
What a way to RING in a new year.
Way to GO!!!

Anonymous said...

Congrats, I know it was a hard road and hope things get easier for you now, you have been in my thoughts and prayers. Stay Strong.
