Tuesday, January 6, 2009

5 down, 1 to go!

So there is a light at the end of the tunnel and it is within viewing distance! Yesterday I went for my 5th chemo treatment. My fantastic Chemo Nurse, Cassie, got the IV in the first time....yippee! Yesterday was pretty good, but I think each time is getting harder and harder on my body. I feel the side effects much quicker each time. I took some pills to help me sleep last night and that seemed to help out. I do feel a little nauseated, but not too bad. I took my myriad of pills this morning~ my anti-nausea pill Emend, steroid pill, Ibuprofen, Claritin, and I think one more. Hopefully those will get going in my system. I went to get my Neulasta injection this morning, and let me tell you, another nurse at the Cancer Center I adore, Andrea. She gives it to me in my stomach and I don't really even feel it, like I did the first time in my arm. (I always request her now because she is just so good!) The Neulasta injection is to boost up my white blood count since the chemo pretty much wipes it out. By the way- the cost on the one shot is $7,000! Thank goodness for insurance- they do pay for that! My sweet friend Julie who also works at the Cancer Center was so sweet when I went in today. She had baked me some potatoes for this week. My appetite is very strange the week of chemo- all I crave is a plain baked potato and Cranberry-Grape juice. (Neither to which I have a lot of any other time!) I guess they help with the "dirty copper penny" taste in my mouth! Well, since it's so dismal and rainy today, I think I will retreat to the couch armed with the remote. Maybe Lifetime has a good movie on today! Thanks for checking in and I really appreciate all of the prayers and help with food and my children, too! Love to all...


Anonymous said...

Can't wait till you can ring that bell!!!! Karen Aiken

Melody said...

I am so PROUD of you and how strong you are during all of this STUFF. You are an inspiration!
Tracy and I plan to bring you dinner on Thursday. Should I include some baked potatoes? :O)
Love to you and the children.

Anonymous said...

You are the BOMB!!!!!!!!!! So glad you are almost there.
Love ya,

Julie said...

Hey Lori,

Can you believe only 1 more treatment left? You've done great at kicking some BC butt!! Hope you enjoyed your spuds!

Love ya, Julie

Anonymous said...

Hi Lori!
Cassie told me you were asking about where I was last Monday/Tues and were worried about me! Sorry I missed you! I went to a promo products trade show in Fla for my biz so had to move my last chemo to Weds.

She said you were doing well! I am so glad you are close to being DONE too! They made me ring the bell Weds since i was done which was hard for me...I felt so bad for all of those still there! But they made me ring it and ring it loudly!

Once done with the steroids for the hives I'll get, and the prilosec for the reflux those bring...I should feel GREAT in a couple of weeks and work on getting this darn weight OFF and work toward a sprint triathlon this year! Should have final surgery Feb-ish?

PLEASE keep in touch! You have my card with my email and ph. number...if you lose it Cassie has it! We all have to stick together!!!!

Take care and hang in there!
Love, Sally Dunn