Thursday, June 12, 2008

such a fun age...

Mallory Kate will be 18 months later in the week, and let me tell you...I adore this age! She is so much fun- she now understands most things I say and can go get a diaper if I ask her to! She is quite the drama queen, though. (Much different from her older brother at this age!) She loves to get her toenails painted, bows in her hair, and has an incredible shoe fetish! I'm not kidding! The girl loves shoes. I took a quick snapshot and a video clip this morning so you can see the little princess in action! :)


Kelly said...

She is just adorable!! (really stricking the pose in this picture)

justlovinmesomestowes said...

just love the pic of mk with her hand on her hip - she sure has grown and look at those curls...she must get that from her auntie mari (because we know your mom's hair is really straight!!!!heeheehee. and, of course my girl would be a shoe great auntie, like great niece. thank you so much for taking the time to do this, i can't express how much i appreciate but, when you get your butts here i'll do my best!