Saturday, June 28, 2008

"Little Momma"

Mallory Kate's daycare teacher, Miss Dee, has given her a nickname of "Momma". Being home these last few weeks, I can now see how she has gotten this nickname! Maybe it's innate for little girls to be so loving and nurturing, I don't know. But I'll tell you one thing, Mallory Kate is one little momma! She has been carrying around her baby dolls, patting their backs, putting them to sleep, rocking the babies, feeding the is so darn cute! So last night we went to Target to get a few things. I was in the toy aisle and she immediately spotted the baby dolls...uh-oh! She was so excited! Her face lit up and her feet started going 90 miles per minute and all you could hear is, "baby, baby, baby!" I have been wanting to get her a stroller or high chair for her babies, so I found a baby doll that came with a little stroller...just her size. Of course, Mallory Kate doesn't understand the concept of paying for things before you open them and I almost ignored that rule myself, just to avoid the battle. So, she attempted to carry this huge box around the store by herself, and of course all shoppers stopped to ooh and awe at her. She thought she was a big girl! So, we get home and this is all she has been doing...went to bed strolling the baby, woke up this morning strolling the baby...enjoy the pics!


Kelly said...

What a cute "momma" she is!! I love it...make her change the diapers!


Amanda said...

I am with Kelly! Changing the diapers is something they think is cool! She is precious! Don't you love them at this age?

David Parker said...

I love the new blog! Mallory Kate is just adorable. I love how her hair is getting so long- the curls are gorgeous! I love this age too- so much personality!!

P.S. I didn't smock Taylor's outfit. I wish that I had that talent!!
