Sunday, September 21, 2008

This month has been crazy...

Well, I haven't posted in a while, mainly because I feel as if I have been trying to keep my head above the water the past 3-4 weeks. Let me begin by saying that God is good- and I truly believe that! On August 28th, I found a lump in my breast, by total "accident" (but this was really God's doing). I really didn't think too much of it- I have had lots of friends and even my mother that had to get lumps checked out. Well, I called my gynecologist to check it out. I saw Dr. Keller- which I have really grown to love. She sent me for a mammogram and ultrasound on September 4th. Greg offered to go with me, but I told him it was no big deal and everything would be fine. I had the mammogram and ultrasound done and the radiologist came in to discuss the films. I could tell right away that something wasn't right. He told me that the films didn't look good and that this was possibly cancer. This totally caught me off guard- did I hear him correctly? I don't even remember hearing much more of his conversation- other than the dreaded "C" word. I immediately went to Greg's office and broke down. (Thank goodness I had the day off to think about things.) I had a biopsy done the following Monday, September 8th and got the news on Wednesday, September 10th that I had been diagnosed with breast cancer. Things have moved very quickly- I saw the surgeon Dr. Mary Rippon on that Friday, September 12th. I was in her office for 3 hours. She is absolutely WONDERFUL and her nurse Jo is just as precious as can be! I feel very confident in them both! That day, I left with a zillion appointments- an MRI (which is tomorrow), I have radioactive lymph node mapping on Tuesday, and the surgery on Wednesday. As of right now, they are planning to do just a lumpectomy, but we'll see what the MRI shows tomorrow. After surgery (and some results) we'll know the exact path to take for treatment- either chemo then radiation, or go straight to radiation. I am in good spirits- and Greg has been helpful with that. Quick story...we were at Crossway buying Graham a new Bible yesterday and they have the family stick figures to put on your car windshield. I have been wanting those, so Greg was checking them out while I was paying for Graham's bible. I asked Greg if he saw one that could be "me", and his reply was, "They don't have a bald mom here!" I laughed, as I can do now! :) If I didn't have his humor, I could get down very easily I'm sure! I have the best support group I could ever wish to have! I have the BEST friends and family that are praying and cheering us on! We will beat this terrible disease- it is going down!!!! As Greg has said, "We have our boxing gloves on and we're ready to fight!" I will try to post our progress as often as I can. Thanks so much for all of the encouragement, prayers, cards, e-mails, phone calls, etc. You all mean so much to us and I thank you for that!


Kelly said...

I have chills reading your blog. You are truly amazing. You have not hidden from your have taken it head on! I am so proud of you and Greg.


Amanda said...

I totally agree with Kelly. I have watched you go through all this and can not help but think that you are an inspiration!


Holly said...

hi lori, it's Kelly's friend Holly. You are amazing and hope that everything goes as smoothly as possible with your treatment. It is wonderful to hear that you are still thankful even in the face of some pretty crappy news!