Friday, October 17, 2008

Day 5...

Today I actually made it downstairs before 8:00! I was able to help get Mallory Kate dressed- although I did forgo the "dirty diaper" and lovingly asked Greg to change it! (You know, I have the Breast Cancer card in my back pocket and can use it at will! Haha- I'm only kidding!) So how am I feeling today? Well...I do say a little better than yesterday- but I have TERRIBLE jaw pain! I called the nurse about it already, and she said to take some Alieve or Ibuprofen- which I already did. She said that some people feel joint pain in their hips or lower back, but I guess mine ended up in my jaw. As far as energy goes, I do feel a little better in that department. I had to cancel my "short-do" haircut for yesterday, and had it rescheduled for next Thursday. (Hopefully I'll still have some hair for her to cut by then!) I really need to pick up the house today- I am having a friend from Dallas fly in tonight and stay until Tuesday! I am thrilled about her coming- although my house is not all in order at this time! It's unreal what a 6 year old and almost 2 year old can do to a "semi-clean" house in under 5 minutes! If only they could pick it up that quick as well! I am going to try to do a little cleaning this morning- we'll see how far I get with that. Greg told me today that I was not to shower until he gets home for lunch- due to what happened yesterday. I truly thank you all for the meals you have done for my family, all the cards, and prayers! (I am a little behind on the thank you notes, and will catch up soon- I promise!) Love to all!


Anonymous said...

Girl, no one expects you to p/u your house. Your friend loves you not your clean house.....let it go!! Sorry about your jaw pain. Also, people do not expect thank you notes so save your energy and your stamps!! You posting is more than enough to keep everyone happy! I'll pray you feel great for your friend's visit!! BTW, I bet MK and Graham would gladly give you a short do right in your own home for free!!!! ;-) Love, B

Julie said...

Hey Lori,

I agree with Beth, don't worry about your house. You need to save that energy to have fun during your friend's visit. Just get some R & R nad enjoy the lazy day weather. Again, call me if you need help with anything.
Also, thanks for the updates on the blog. I'm sure it takes a lot of time & effort during your "feel bad" days to write an entry. We all love hearing from you.
Keep up the good fight!
Love, Julie

justlovinmesomestowes said...

it's friday...don't you know you cannot clean house on Friday? It's forbidden in South Carolina...where have you been? and, don't forget... that's what friends are for! (just remember...I don't do windows or iron!)
glad you're feeling somewhat better, hope those feelings continue to improve.
as always, love you bunches ~ :o)

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with eveyone regarding the housework! Just enjoy
your friend and your family. Also, your posts are all the thank you your friends need. Just take care of yourself right now. Keeping you bathed in prayer.

Kelly said...

I am with Beth...let the house go! Easier said than done...right!?!?

I hope this weekend is better.


Melody said...

I am not quite sure where you live, but I am going to find out so I can come to your house and do 2 things...1) Kick your butt!!! 2) Clean whatever you need cleaned! Housecleaning??? Thank you notes??? You need to just focus on yourself and getting well. Take care. You are loved and prayed for EVERY minute!

Anonymous said...

I'm just now catching up on your blog. I've been out of town, but thinking and praying for you this week. I'm glad you seem to be getting some of your strength back. Have lots of fun with your friend. I'll give you a call next week!! Take care

Unknown said...

i just found your blog today and all I can say it that you seem to be handling this so well. It's nice to know that so many people are blogging so you'll always have someone to talk to, voice your worries, concerns, and fears with and maybe get some advice.
I know a good natural product for nausea-it's Ginger Tea-yogi brand, you can find it at most health food stores including Earthfare on Pelham Road. About the house, learn to let go-that's something you're friends and family can help with when they ask or offer to help out. Take care.

Amanda said...

Okay, HELLO?!!! CLEAN!!! Put down the duster and step away from the vacuum. Let Graham and Greg help you out as much as possible and close your eyes when you walk by their rooms! Don't worry about that- everyone will feel deeply intimidated and inferior if, when coming to see you they find this beautiful woman who is struggling with chemo managing to take care of her family AND keep her house clean! Help us out here- don't make the rest of us look like losers! :) We all love you and want for you to rest!

Anonymous said...


You are in my thoughts and prayers each day! Have a wonderful time with your friend from Dallas!

Julie Hathaway

David Parker said...

Let the house go! It will survive. What a trooper you are! I love the new Stowe fall heading. So cute! I want to bring you dinner too. I'll talk to you soon!

justlovinmesomestowes said...

ok, I've been thinking about this ever since you've started this blog & just had to get it out to make room for more stuff in my brain! You have to (must) put together a booklet = 'Lori's Diary', a daily (day-by-day) journey (journal) of a breast cancer survivor. It can also include all friend/family responses/blog comments. Booklets will be provided/available FREE to those diagnosed with breast cancer made available through all dr's offices (they could donate, too-hahaha), gyno's, hospitals, specialists, oncologist, etc. Proceeds will benefit local (national) bc organizations. Could be offered in packet/small book bag emblazoned with bc organizations logo (if they assist in producing!) containing brochures of info, dr's/providers info, etc. Even med pharmacies can play! Donation can also be made, with info provided to do so available in forward of book-in fact, those receiving organizations contacted may donate to have this done &/or have grant to produce. What a great gift you can offer to others going diagnosed & going through the same things you are: filled with love, compassion, hope, education, insight, humor, etc., to others faced with a diagnose like yours...I am ready to sign up! Now my brain is free to accept other info - thank you!