Sunday, October 19, 2008

Days 6 & 7...

I woke up Saturday morning feeling so much better than the previous 2 days. But let me tell you, the energy I did have quickly faded after a trip out to lunch. My friend, Kristen, is visiting from Dallas and we have had so much fun together catching up- and her help has been tremendous! (Seriously, I can't thank her enough!) I thought we would all go downtown to eat and do some walking around, since our downtown has really grown! body did not agree on that plan. We ate at Brick Street Cafe- which was great- and by the time I walked back to the car, I was exhausted. So, we came home and she went to visit some other friends and I rested a while. We then went to dinner at another friend's house and had such a great time! Until...(you know things always have a way of happening at the wrong time for me) Mallory Kate woke up crying at about 11:00pm. I went in to check on her and she had thrown up in her crib! Ugh!!! Kristen and Greg were such a help in getting her cleaned up and sheets and all changed. She was pretty puny all last night, and woke up this morning still tired. As the day has gone on, she's feeling much better and almost back to her little perky self. I have Lysoled the house down- hoping that no one else will catch this. I feel very tired today- not sleepy tired, but non-energetic tired (if that makes sense!) I hope I'll feel even better by tomorrow. I think I can almost safely say, "Ive made it through round 1!" Yeah- it honestly wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I was really thinking I would feel nauseated and sick, but thanks to the expensive meds and prayers- I didn't! I will post some pics of our visit this weekend later. Thanks again for all the prayer (and continue on...God answers them!) :)


Paige O'Shields said...


I'm so glad you are feeling better and have had a wonderful weekend. Just think you have taken one huge step. even though next week you will feel better remember to take it easy. Please call if you need anything. and smile you're doing great!!!


Kelly said...

I am so glad Kristen was able to come...nothing like a good friend to help clean up your child's throw up!!
Love the new blog banner!
I posted my coupon info on my blog. Happy saving!

Anonymous said...

I am glad you have had a good weekend, but be careful - take care of yourself. I'm glad Mallory Kate is feeling better. There's nothing worse than cleaning up throw up when you feel so bad yourself.
I hope you have a good week, and that you will feel better every day!

Anonymous said...

Hey! Glad you are begining to feel better!! I'm praying hard MK didn't share her germs with any of you. I am so throw up phobic that's why God didn't have me as the friend at your house during that!!! God knows which friends you need and when you need them!! Beth

Anonymous said...

Way to go, girl! One down! I'm proud of you and wish we were closer to do some TV watching, vegging on the sofa together during the yucky, achy days. I felt much better this go round- tired and lethargic, like you, but not having the Neulasta shot worked well for me as far as ridding me of the crippling back and head pain this round. I'm off for my bone scan this morning and then a CT scan tomorrow! Praying for clean scans! You should feel like your old self this week- I've found that it's just the 1st week after chemo that I feel bad and then I've got my A game back on for the next 2 weeks. As for the hair, I finally let my girfriend buzz my whole head last night (you will get so OVER all the hair everywhere!) and then had to sleep with a cap on, my bald little head was so cold! I looked like something out of Little House on the Prairie- not so sexy. Thinking of you and taking encouragement from being on this journey together-
Breast friend in Richmond- Alden Rice

Anonymous said...

Hey girl ,we are praying for you. You are so such a strong person and are doing an amazing thing.

Anonymous said...

Lori -

Glad to hear that you are feeling better with each day. I think your blog is wonderful. I wish I would I would have kept one when I was on bedrest for almost 3 months. Have you received the book I sent you? Thinking and praying for you.


Anonymous said...

I ma glad you feel on the upswing again. I have been thinking of you!

Anonymous said...

WONDERFUL! I'm thrilled you are doing so well. It's all because of your wonderful attitude and faith that you have...We are all proud of you!!! I continue to tell you what an inspiration you are to us all...WOW! Also, like all the others have said...don't overdo it, get plenty of rest, and just take it easy.
PS We'll be by to see you soon. Peter's about to die to see you guys...and of course...GRAHAM!!