Tuesday, October 21, 2008

"I feel good, da-na-na-na-na-na..."

Can you hear me signing..."I feel good!" Yes- back to myself again! I had such a wonderful day today. I kinda forgot how it feels to feel "normal". I have a new appreciation for what I always took for granted- feeling well. I will forever thank God in my daily prayers for feeling well each day- what a blessing that really is! I saw Dr. Go this morning and they drew some labs. He said my white blood counts were good- which is really why I went today. He wanted to make sure they didn't drop too low because my body wouldn't be able to fight off any kind of infection. I will not go back until November 3rd, round #2- yeah! I had a wonderful weekend with my friend, Kristen, from Texas! She was such a blessing to have around and she helped out so much. I miss her already! I will post some pics from our visit together later when she e-mails them to me. :)


Anonymous said...

Hi Lori! I was just checking in and am so happy to see you're feeling good.I hope you get out a lot in this beautiful weather ...let someone else clean the house!

Anonymous said...

Yeah! Glad you feel good and your counts are good so you don't have to worry with that. You are right we take that for granted and the rest of us need to use your story as our wake up call to thank God everyday for that and other things we takke for granted that are truely daily blessings. You are an inspiration to all who know you! Beth

Anonymous said...

PS did you ever notice this comment page is on westcoat time???? :-) I wish it was 8:11 and not 11:11!!!! BG

Kelly said...

Yippee! I am so glad that you are feeling better.
Take this time to do things for yourself.
Miss you...

justlovinmesomestowes said...

soooo good, glad & happy to know you're feeling better! enjoy, with gusto, these next few weeks. hopefully your next round will go as well, if not better!
love to all ~ :o)

Paige O'Shields said...

I am so glad you are feeling better, its amazing what our bodies can handle. Now you know what to expect. Your doing awesome!

Paige O'Shields

Anonymous said...

We are so glad you are feeling better. We think about you every day. Keep up the amazing attitude. We would like to bring you all dinner one night so I will call you to see when would be good.
Love ya!!!
Christy and Wes

Mary Patskoski said...

We all miss your smiling face at work! I am so glad you are feeling like yourself again. Thank you for this BLOG - I feel like I know what's going on (not a common thing for me:)
You are such an inspiration to so many of us!!!! I am praying for you and your family!!! Mary P.