Okay...so let me think where I need to continue from the last post. Oh, yes...the drain is out! Yeah! I went to the surgeon on Tuesday to get that uncomfortable, nasty thing out. Dr. Rippon went over what all was found during surgery- most of which I already knew from her report to Greg. When I first saw Dr. Rippon after my mammogram and ultrasound, she staged me as Stage I based on the tumor size (figured from the ultrasound). Unfortunately, after the path report from surgery, I am now a Stage IIIa. (I was very disappointed to hear that, but I have to keep in mind that being a Stage III will just mean more aggressive treatment- which is what I want to be cancer-free!) My tumor actually measured 2.1 cm and I had 5 of the 9 lymph nodes test positive for cancer. Something new I learned yesterday, since she had to do the lymph node dissection and remove 9 of my nodes, they will not be growing back. Big deal, huh? Not really...Little did I know that for the rest of my life, I can not get shots, blood drawn, IV's, or other needle sticks, blood pressure taken, or for that matter- anything that would cause fluid retention. Since the nodes are gone, my body can't correctly take the fluid out of those areas on or around my arm. (Even to fly, I must wear a compression sleeve!) So those of you that know me well know that if there's a chance something can happen, it will happen to me. That's just my luck! With that being said, I was told yesterday to watch out for extra fluid pooling up around my incision sites and around my arm. If you have a weak stomach, you may want to skip this next little tid-bit and check out the pics below. Read on if you dare...(haha) I was walking up the stairs last night and I heard a sound like a bunch of water on an empty stomach- the sound of fluid sloshing around. But, it was not coming from my stomach; it was coming from under my arm and around my breast- yuck! So, I tried to call the doctor, but there was no answering service for some reason! (My luck!) So first thing this morning, I called the nurse and she saw me- Yes, I have some fluid retention in that area. She said there is no infection- thank God- and she said my body would eventually absorb it. But, since she knew it was bothersome to me, I am going in the morning to see Dr. Rippon, again, and she will needle aspirate the area...gross! And after that, I will go for the eckocardiogram and right after that, I get the PET scan. I will not know results from the PET until Monday or Tuesday- this will show if there are other "hot spots" in my body. Let's keep those prayers going for no other areas to show up! But I have great news...after those 3 appointments tomorrow, my family is going to the beach for a much-needed long weekend! Yeah! And for laughs, check out the pics from the wig trip. If there's any fun in loosing your hair, it has to be the trip to the wig store! The lady was very helpful and we made light of the situation. :)
Tamara, Tracy, me, and Liz
A striking blonde?
Liz had to have some fun, too!
I miss you at school! I really appreciate you taking the time to blog...I like hearing "the facts" from you...even the icky ones.
Talk to you soon
loved the blonde, go for it! just think of the $$$ saved on hair products!!!!
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